
Pterygium Surgery with Autograft

Pterygium, a growth of fleshy tissue on the conjunctiva, can affect vision and cause discomfort. Dr. Tejashree Sathe and the expert team at Dr. Sathe's Eye Clinic & Laser Centre offer advanced pterygium surgery with autograft to ensure optimal outcomes for patients.


1. Preoperative Evaluation: A comprehensive eye examination is conducted to assess the extent of the pterygium and determine the most suitable surgical approach.

2. Local Anesthesia: The surgery is performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

3. Pterygium Removal: Dr. Tejashree Sathe employs meticulous techniques to gently remove the pterygium from the affected eye, ensuring minimal disruption to surrounding tissues.

4. Autograft Technique: A thin, healthy graft of tissue is harvested from the patient's own conjunctiva or other suitable areas. This autograft is then carefully positioned to cover the area from which the pterygium was removed

5. Fibrin Glue: To secure the autograft in place, a specialized fibrin glue is used, reducing the need for sutures and promoting faster healing.


1. Reduced Recurrence: The use of autografts significantly lowers the risk of pterygium recurrence, promoting long-term success.

2. Natural Tissue Integration: Autografts offer a natural tissue source, enhancing integration and minimizing complications.

3. Minimal Discomfort: The advanced surgical techniques, including the use of local anesthesia and fibrin glue, contribute to a more comfortable postoperative experience

4. Cosmetic Outcome: Dr. Tejashree Sathe's expertise ensures not only functional success but also a cosmetically pleasing result, with careful attention to the aesthetic aspects of the eye.

Postoperative Care: Patients receive detailed postoperative care instructions, including the use of prescribed medications and follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress.

Advanced Technology: Dr. Sathe's Eye Clinic & Laser Centre is equipped with cutting-edge technology to facilitate precise and effective pterygium surgery. This commitment to advanced technology enhances surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Conclusion: Pterygium surgery with autograft at Dr. Sathe's Eye Clinic & Laser Centre, under the guidance of Dr. Tejashree Sathe, reflects a dedication to providing state-of-the-art eye care. The combination of advanced surgical techniques, personalized patient care, and a focus on long-term success establishes our clinic as a leader in pterygium treatment.